PrepLinc LVi Water Extraction System

The LVi Large Volume Injection SPE Kit is optimized for SPE extractions on large volume samples. Specialized SPE column modules accommodate water extraction discs, as well as, standard SPE columns.

SPE for large volume water samples

The precision of the LVi pump module gives the necessary control of sample introduction to the extraction media and lets you choose priorities for flow vs. pressure.  When combined with an optional standard column module, secondary cleanup or drying steps can be performed.

  • EPA 500 & 600 Series Water methods
  • Use 47mm discs & Standard SPE cartridges
  • Flows up to 50 mL/min
  • Automated bottle rinse and selectable probe depths
  • Up to 24 samples processed unattended


PrepLinc LVi SPE Modules

Flow Control
Pump module gives consistent sample flow rates up to 50 mL/min.

Tray Options
Capacity up to 24 x 1L samples or 12 x 2L samples.

Compatible with a wide variety of water extraction cartridges and discs.

Pressure & Flow
Choose Flow Rate Priority for flow-critical methods. 
Choosing Pressure Priority adjusts flow as pressure changes.

Probe Depth
Select probe depths for sample pickup to avoid sediment.  And select probe depth for bottle rinse to maximize recoveries.

Sample concentration with solvent exchange

Unlike other semi-automated evaporation systems, the AccuVap™ will automatically solvent exchange and quantitatively transfer your sample to a GC vial ready for analysis.  Powerful software controls heat and vacuum at every stage of the process to protect analyte recoveries.  Programmable heated rinses eliminate carryover.

Save time and improve results.  Free up lab technicians and decrease sample handling.  Adding the AccuVap™ to your PrepLinc™ system will really automate your world!
Standout Features:

  • Enclosed evaporation chamber
  • Three heating zones with user defined heat & vacuum for each zone
  • Vacuum control from 100-760 torr
  • Two endpoint settings:  dryness or adjustable endpoint (1-5 mL)
  • Manage use of up to three solvents for sample exchange, final solvent and rinsing
  • Add a pre-evaporation spike
  • Add a keeper solution
  • Perform multiple solvent exchanges
  • Heated rinse cycle with choice of solvent ensures no carry-over
  • Transfer concentrated sample into GC vial or other storage vial


Solid Phase Extraction for large volume water samples

SPE for large volume Environmental, Water, Food, Pharma and Forensics samples.

EPA Method 3535 Solid Phase Extraction
EPA Method 500 & 600 Series Water Methods

Application Notes

Drinking Water Analysis using an Automated Solid Phase Extraction System

Anwendungsdatenblatt 125
EPA method 525.2 is a drinking water method for the determination of a wide variety of semivolatile compounds including PAH’s, pesticides and herbicides. The method is routinely used by municipal agencies for demonstrating adequate water quality. It is important to monitor chlorobenzene levels in water because of the deleterious health effects of these compounds in human populations.

Dichlorobenzene isomers 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4- have been identified in 786 of the 1662 currently tested NPL sites. The 1,4-DCB isomer is the more important isomer because it is the principal ingredient used to make mothballs and deodorant blocks used in restrooms and odor control situations. The 1,3-DCB has been found in 13% of the surface water samples collected during a national survey and appears at concentrations of 0.008 to 154 ppb. The 1,3-DCB has been detected at up to 470 ppb in fish. Both 1,4-DCB and HCB have been widely used as pesticides, although HCB has not been in use since 1965. The untoward physiological effect of these compounds, particularly in children, requires their continuous monitoring in drinking water.

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PrepLinc Automated SPE Isolation and Quantification of Phthalates in Drinking Water

Anwendungsdatenblatt 135
EPA Methods 506 and 525.3 are drinking water methods for the determination of a variety of compounds including phthalate esters. The method is routinely used by municipal agencies for demonstrating adequate water quality. This method uses a 1 liter sample of water which is passed through a cartridge or disk containing a bonded C18organic phase. The compounds retained on the cartridge are eluted with ethyl acetate and DCM, dried by passing through a secondary Na2SO4cartridge and subsequently concentrated for analysis by GC/MS or GC/ECD. Excellent recoveries are typically observed.

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Automation of Sample Processing for FL-Pro Method Applications

Anwendungsdatenblatt 136
The FL-PRO for wastewater analysis was originally developed as a quick method to determine petroleum hydrocarbons in the range of C8-C40 in water and/or soil. Based on solvent extraction with DCM, silica gel clean up of the extract, followed by GC-FID analysis, the method provides a quick analytical profile typically with MDL of 0.1 mg/L. Modifications made in this method by substituting C18 cartridges and/or disks for the extraction and using automated sample processing allow good recoveries and reproducibility for several PAH analytes by FID.
These original method requires manipulation of large volumes of water, and is laborious and time consuming, particularly whenmultiple samples are processed, requiring frequent intervention by the operator. The PrepLinc™ LVi system automates these processes through its use of precise large volume pumping capability, sample bottle rinsing, short cartridge drying time and inline sample drying and segregation of aqueous and organic waste streams. A full range of disks and cartridges are accommodated, from multiple manufacturers. These features allow unattended programmed control of sample injection, extraction, drying, elution and recovery.

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Determination of Haloacetic Acids in Aquueous Environments by Solid Phase Extraction

Anwendungsdatenblatt 30
Chlorination of drinking water has been a commonly practiced method of disinfection for over a century. However, the disinfection by-products arising from the reaction of organic material in the water and chlorine may give rise to certain aberrant carcinogenic effects. EPA Method 552.1 and 552.3 prescribe procedures for testing of haloacid constituents in drinking water by ion-exchange or micro extraction, followed by esterification and quantitation by GC-ECD.
In this study, the 552.1 ion-exchange method is automated for different water samples to afford increased reproducibility, unattended operation, and consistency of sample loading and elution.

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J2 Scientific GmbH
Reifenstuelstraße 3
80469 Munich / Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 72069587



Analysen- und Prozesstechnik
Hauptstraße 4
82404 Sindelsdorf

Tel.: +49 (0) 8856 9910