The AcceleVAP multi-position nitrogen evaporator accommodates a wide range of sample vial sizes and has capacity up to 48 samples.
AcceleVAP Features
- 48, 32 or 16 Position Configurations
- Row ON/OFF to save N2
- Adjust needles for maximum vortex
- Three N2 pressure zones
- Water bath: ambient to 90°C
- Wide range of vial sizes accomodated
- Economical to purchase & operate
- Colored lights indicate zone
- Easy to use touchscreen programming
Removable trays allow for the AutoVAP to accommodate multiple vial sizes.
From GC Vials to 180mL vials.
Custom trays are also available.
Unique Nitrogene Pressure Zones
Increase Nitrogen pressure as volume decreases in the vial to speed evaporation.
Colored lights indicate what zone the system is performing.
User-friendly touchscreen control Program methods.
Set level pressures and level times.
Full-featured Evaporation to save time & N2
Row on/off and row needle adjustment let you customize evaporation for your lab.
J2 Scientific GmbH
Reifenstuelstraße 3
80469 Munich / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 72069587
Analysen- und Prozesstechnik
Hauptstraße 4
82404 Sindelsdorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 8856 9910